Friday, May 22, 2015

Dealing with low milk supply issues during breastfeeding

Dealing with low milk supply issues during breastfeeding
Low milk supply issues during breastfeeding are quite common across the globe, without countless women experiencing the same issues as you do. The first step towards solving this problem is: understanding what it is, and why it happens.  
Low Milk Supply:
If you are experiencing low milk supply for breastfeeding, you are probably not feeding your little one as often as you ought to. This is one of the leading reasons for low milk supply. Perhaps you’ve been nursing your baby less frequently owing to nipple soreness, pain, irritation, bleeding or an improper latch-on. Supplementing is another top reason why your body may be producing less milk than usual. According to experts, women should breast feed their babies for at least one whole year without switching to formulae or supplements.
One of the most prominent markers of low milk supply will be your baby’s weight gain; during the first 3 months of his/her life, you little one will gain at least an ounce each day, and half an ounce daily 3 months onwards. If the baby isn’t gaining weight like he/she is supposed to, you may consult your doctor on how you can increase your milk supply.
Remember, if your baby isn’t gaining weight, this may also mean that you are indeed producing an adequate amount of milk, but are not being able to deliver it to the baby. In such cases, you must first work on your breastfeeding positions and latch-on techniques. Here are a few tips that you can follow if you are experiencing low milk supply issues during breastfeeding:
  •         It takes only about 2 hours for your baby to digest milk, which is why he/she may demand it a lot more frequently than you initially expected. To maintain a good, healthy milk flow quality-wise and quantity-wise, breastfeed as often as possible during the day – you’ll feel the difference!
       Book an appointment with a lactation specialist – this will give you a thorough, comprehensive insight into why you’re experiencing the problem, and what you can do to overcome it.
  • ·         Keep working on that latch-on till you perfect it! It has been said, and right so, that if at first you don’t succeed, try again. Video tutorials can offer you step-by-step tutorials on how you can improve your positions, and latch techniques during breastfeeding.
  • ·         Avoid giving all kinds of supplements, formula mixtures and solid food to the little one till he/she reaches at least six months of age. Active breastfeeding for six to twelve months straight can enhance your milk production.
  • ·         You may have heard that drinking plenty of milk, water and liquids will increase your milk supply – this is a myth. You must however, pay attention to your own diet to remain healthy for your baby.
  • Try pumping between nursing sessions – according to experienced mommies, pumping is quite effective and helpful in terms of maintaining a good milk flow for breastfeeding. 
  • Can find more information on breast-feeding here or

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